Understanding the Power of the Word
The Bible is referred to as the “Living Word” because the scriptures it contains are alive and powerful. The written word, in black and white, is called logos; but when the written word becomes revelation knowledge in a believer’s heart and quickens your spirit, it is called the rhema word–the living word. God reveals who He is, and who you are, through His word. The Bible is divinely inspired, and the Word as written cannot lie (Hebrews 6:18). And if we believe it, it cannot return unto us void (Isaiah 55:11). However, in order to see the fruit of Gods promises in your life, you must establish the word of God in your heart and believe it. The way to begin to establishing faith in God’s word (believing it), is by hearing it (Romans 10:17). By listening to sermons, teaching tapes; reading, studying, and meditating on the word of God, it will become so rooted in your heart that it will be more real to you than your present circumstances. This activity is called ‘re-newing your mind.
You can even renew your mind by listening to Christian music.
Discouragement can come if you make confessions out loud that are not rooted in belief. If you don’t believe the words you are saying, your efforts will be in vain–the promises cannot come to pass. Jesus is our ultimate example of operating the principle of faith. He knew that whatever He spoke would come to pass. Why? Because He had meditated on the Word to such a point that it regulated His life (Psalm 119:97-104). When He cursed the fig tree in Mark 11:12-24, the results came immediately. What He had spoken had no choice but to come to pass because they overflowed with the faith of God. The same results can be yours when you don’t doubt in your heart (Matthew 21:21). Jesus said that whosoever shall say, or speak, to something in faith will see it changed.
Walking by faith, or walking by the Word of God, must become a settled issue in your life before you can experience God’s abundance. For you to experience divine health and healing, financial prosperity, deliverance and the numerous other benefits of God’s covenant, it will depend on whether you choose to accept the world’s opinions and reports or the integrity of God’s Word. I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to put my trust in a world system that is misleading and unreliable. If you put the principles of the Word to work while pursuing a life of love and holiness, you can prove God for yourself. Give His Word a chance and watch Him come through for you every single time.